Sunday, December 28, 2008

Discounted Basketball Tickets For You

We have a special offer for you, our Generation Community readers! We are offering $5.00 premium seating (regular price is $15.00) to the Saturday, January 24th Liberty University Flames basketball game. The ladies play at 2PM, and the men play at 7PM. To receive the discount, simply mention Generation Solutions at the Ticket Window on game day. The doors and ticket windows open one hour before game time. Also, tickets can be ordered in advance by phone at 434-582-SEAT. While you are at the game, visit our Generation Community information booth and say hello.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Generation Solution's 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

Tulane Patterson together with his wife Claudia, enjoy the 10 year Generation Solution anniversary celebration at the beautiful Villa Maria.
Everyone enjoyed an evening filled with delicious food and festivities
Tulane Patterson, President of Generation Solutions conducts "Rose Ceremony"
Tulane Patterson's four, lovely daughters provided the beautiful music of the evening.
A look back: Tulane Patterson's four daughters 10 years ago!!!

Concord Happy Hearts Seniors

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Campbell County Sunny Side Seniors

We want to give a big thank you to Brenda Walsh, leader of the Campbell County Sunny Side Senior group, for having us today. We were pleased to be able to spread the word about the resources of Generation Community.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Economic Headlines

In our most recent Generation Community newsletter, the November/December 2008 issue, we touched on the topic of our recent economic struggles. We asked the question "Are we getting the whole story?" when it comes to news reports on the economy. Specifically, how can we learn about the root causes of our issues when we only hear headlines, soundbites, and 30 second reports?

Thanks to the internet, we have the ability to look beyond the headlines and do our own research in a way never before possible. One way to get started on this topic is to go to Google and search these words:

"commercial paper" (remember to put quotes around multiple words if you want an exact match)
"Ted spread"
"credit default swaps"

If you enjoy listening to audio explanations, you might try searching for a "podcast" on topic. We found some helpful podcasts at This American Life, a Chicago Public Radio podcast. Particularly, their program on October 3, 2008 titled "Another Frightening Show about the Economy" went into simple, yet great detail about root causes of our financial struggles.

In addition to typing in a keyword at Google, or searching for topical podcasts, you can always go straight to the well established websites with names you've already heard of. For example, you can go to and read stories on their huge money page. Generally the online articles will go into more detail than their televised counterparts.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Decorative Painting Workshop

You are invited to attend a decorative painting class on January 17, 2009 from 9am - 4pm, at the beautiful Bentley Commons facility on Gravesmill Road in Lynchburg. Our instructor is Joy Davis (pictured above). This workshop is for both the novice as well as the seasoned painter. Tea and cookies will be provided, as well as your "project kit" packed with ALL of the supplies you will need to complete the faux marquetry piece pictured below. You only need to bring a bag lunch!

Registration fee is $55.00, but if you mention this Generation Community article, you will receive a $10.00 discount! To register, call Joy Davis at 434-665-0198.

Joy Davis is a 30 year member of the Society of Decorative Painters, and has taught decorative painting classes for over 25 years including several years in her own shop. We are so pleased that she is willing to share her time and talents with us!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Did You Know?

If your senior group would like a qualified and friendly speaker to come and talk about a specific aging topic, Generation Solutions can do it. All you have to do is call 434-455-6500 today.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jitterbug Phone

In the comments for the "Fewer Phone Booths for Clark Kent" article below, someone asked where they could purchase a Jitterbug phone in Lynchburg. According to the company's website at, the closest retail location would be the electronics store Best Buy, at 4024 Wards Road, in the Barnes and Noble plaza.

It might be a good idea to give Best Buy a call before you drive over to make sure they have some available. Their phone number is 239-9885.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Respect the Heat

The month of June made its presence known when, in its first weekend, the temperatures shot to the mid 90’s. For nearly five days straight, the temperatures in Central Virginia were about 10 degrees above normal for the first week of June. In retrospect, this was probably a good thing because it forced many of us to remember that we must respect the heat. As summer moves on, we’ll have many opportunities to deal with high temperatures, and for the sake of our health and well-being, we simply need to remember the basics.

We all know that our bodies can cool down by sweating. However, in extreme heat, the body can lose its ability to regulate temperature. The sweating function fails, and the body temperature rises rapidly, which can result in heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or even heat stroke. While the two former are less severe forms of hyperthermia, heat stroke is a true medical emergency and must be treated immediately. Serious cases can damage your organs, and even result in death. The most common symptoms of heat stroke are high body temperature, the absence of sweating with hot red or flushed dry skin, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, confusion, and dizziness. If you think someone might be suffering from a heat stroke, call 911 immediately. Next, cool them down any way you can until help arrives. Get them to a shaded or air conditioned area, remove clothing, and fan them vigorously to promote sweating and evaporation. You can also spray or sponge them with cool water.

As you are out and about this summer, remember that you need to drink plenty of fluids, take frequent breaks from activity, wear light, loose clothes, and avoid vigorous physical activities on the hottest days. Lastly, if you do not have air conditioning where you live, consider spending a few hours in a public place that does such as a mall or a library. Even just a few hours of air conditioning a day can reduce the risk of heat-related illness. And yes, much of this is considered to be common sense, but we are just trying to keep common sense all the more common! Stay cool out there while you enjoy your summer.

Vinyl Records

The way people listen to music has changed very much over the past twenty years. The devices of this medium have continually gotten smaller, thinner, and more powerful. Yet, did you know that consumer interest in records has actually increased recently? That’s right —records. The Recording Industry of America reports that manufacturers’ shipments of records jumped more than 36 percent from 2006 to 2007 to more than 1.3 million.

Some avid music fans claim that the sound from records is superior to the sound from digital sources, like CDs. There is another reason, however, that may be behind the small resurgence in popularity. Record enthusiasts say they prefer the overall experience more, from putting the needle onto the record, to lingering over the liner notes and artwork on the record jacket. If you have a record player and some old records, why not take them for another spin?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Heritage United Methodist Life Lighters Group

Thank you for having us Life Lighters! We enjoyed our visit, and we hope you enjoyed the information and entertainment. You have a wonderful group of people, and your facility is incredible. Hope to see you again!

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Community is You!

Meet Mr. Snyder. He was the winner of the Generation Community Word Search Contest for the May/June edition of our newsletter. We congratulate Mr. Snyder, and encourage all of our newsletter readers to get involved in our contests.

Remember, our contests, events, and resources are for the community - and the community is you!

Ten Years, One Vision

Tulane and Claudia Patterson, along with their four darling daughters (pictured left) celebrated the grand opening of Covenant Home Retirement Services 10 years ago, in 1998! “I started out with three employees and a dream,” owner Tulane Patterson said. “Our society doesn’t make it easy for seniors to live at home. What I had in mind was one umbrella company where you make just one phone call to receive all the services you need.”

In 2003, the company changed its name to Generation Solutions, but the goal of helping folks stay at home has always remained the same. The company was founded on the premise that older adults prefer to spend their retirement years living in their own home. Today, Generation Solutions continues with their vision to be the solution to this growing challenge, and offer services that enable older adults to live independently in the security of their own home. The company now has 250 employees and serves over 500 seniors and their families from Appomattox to Salem. They are the experts of stay at home senior care and offer guidance to help families plan their own “home retirement”.

Patterson knows that helping older adults with independent living often involves working with their families as well. “We can help seniors create a healthy aging program that enables them to stay independent longer. We also help folks make good decisions for family members and loved ones.” Speaking of families, in the last ten years as Generation Solutions has grown, so has Patterson’s family! (pictured below) And just as his own family has changed, he understands that every family’s situation is unique. For this reason, Generation Solutions does not rely on a wooden “one size fits all” approach to care. In an effort to provide a diverse array of services, they work in the areas of personal care, skilled care, care management, home medical equipment, and more.

As one example, Generation Solutions provides companion services that often make the difference between staying at home and having to move to a facility. In addition to friendly conversation, companions can assist with meal preparation, light housekeeping, medication reminders, laundry and routine errands. A sampling of the private duty nursing services includes checking blood glucose, setting up medications, assessing and caring for wounds, catheterizations and more.
Making use of technology is a big priority for Patterson. “We believe our patients should receive the best care utilizing the latest technology available.” Generation Solutions offers an in home system that helps clinicians identify problems which results in fewer trips to the hospital or emergency room. The HomMed Telehealth system consists of a home monitor used to collect data such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and more. The data is transmitted to an RN at the office who reviews the results and then consults with the patient and physician if necessary.

With all of these services available under one roof, one might wonder where to begin! Patterson thought of that too. Care managers are just a phone call away. They conduct care planning assessments and develop a plan that provides the assistance and care for any necessary services. Whether you are in need of immediate assistance or you are still very active and healthy, the care managers offer guidance as you consider all your options for today and the future. They’ll be your guide as you plan for the life you want to live.

Generation Solutions has been honored with the best rating of any home health agency west of Richmond, and placed in the top 100 in the USA! They were awarded the coveted Home Care Elite Award in both 2006 and 2007 by delivering consistent, quality care to their clients. For a local, family owned one stop source of care in central Virginia, Generation Solutions continues to prove they are the best. Thank you for being a part of our first ten wonderful years.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fewer Phone Booths for Clark Kent

That's right, the Man of Steel will need to find another place for his wardrobe change. With the popularity of cell phones, there just isn't the market for payphones that there once was. AT&T just announced that they are phasing out of the payphone business through the end of 2008. Payphones in the United States have declined across the industry from about 2.6 million phones in 1998 to an estimated 1 million phones today.

It is clear that consumers are in love with the convenience and peace of mind that cell phones offer. There are so many different kinds of phones and plans available. Some phones are geared to older adults, such as the Jitterbug which has oversized numbers and backlit buttons.

On The Road

If you have a friend or loved one that is over 80 and is still an active driver, here is a reminder
about the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles license renewal process. The Virginia DMV is requiring drivers age 80 or older to appear in person at the DMV and pass a vision screening in order to renew their license. According to the DMV, you may have your vision screened at one of their offices, or present a report from an ophthalmologist or optometrist certifying that you’ve met the vision requirements to hold a Virginia driver’s license. Please note that a doctor’s report must have been issued within 90 days of your driver’s license renewal. With or without corrective lenses, a person’s vision must be 20/40. If a person has vision problems in one eye, an individual must see 20/40 with the other eye, with or without corrective lenses.

You can visit for more information on all kinds of motor vehicle related topics like mobility for seniors and helpful safety tips.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Hyland Heights Senior Group

Dorothy helps with another Generation's Community presentation

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Favorite Yogi-isms

Yogi Berra Quotes

"You can observe a lot just by watching."

"If you don't know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else."

"Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical."

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."

When asked for the time:
"Do you mean now?"

"If you come to a fork in the road, take it."

"I made a wrong mistake."

Everyday Help

What do you think of when you hear the term “occupational therapy” (or OT)? When someone sustains a serious injury to their knee, a surgeon will operate on the knee. A physical therapist will devise a series of exercises to help the knee heal properly with a maximum range of motion. An occupational therapist will ask, “What do you need your knee to do? What activities do you want to do?” They will help you adapt to your knee so that you can continue doing the things you want and need to do. The occupational therapist will determine the right treatment for keeping you mobile and an active participant in your own life. But this kind of therapy is not just for older adults or accident victims. My son Luke, nearly two years old, benefits from occupational therapy. Anyone who, for whatever reason, can't do the things in life they want or need to do may benefit from occupational therapy.

April is Occupational Therapy month, so we are taking the opportunity to shine the spotlight on this field, and become better acquainted with the benefits it can offer. O.T practitioners are skilled professionals. Their education includes the study of human growth and development, with specific emphasis on the social, emotional, and physical effects of illness and injury. They help those with illnesses, injuries, and certain conditions or disabilities get on with their “occupations" of living.

What sets an O.T. apart is that they look at the whole picture when it comes to a person’s treatment. They consider the individual’s abilities, the tasks to be performed, and the environment in which the task takes place. You may be surprised by the wide range of conditions that may benefit from occupational therapy. Among them are: Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, spinal cord injury, autism, hip fracture or replacement, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s disease, and low vision. Due to the vast range of conditions that are treated and ages of the patients, O.T. services are delivered in a variety of settings such as schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, and mental health clinics.

Of course Generation Solutions Home Health division provides O.T. If you or someone you know would like to discuss O.T., simply call 434-846-3300. In addition, Generation Solutions Home Medical Equipment division carries the products you need to help you get on with your occupation of living. From power chairs, to oxygen supplies, to useful daily living tools like “The Reacher”, it’s all about remaining an active participant in your own life.

Generation Solutions Wins Again!

Generation Solutions Home Health division has done it again, earning the 2007 Homecare Elite award. Generation Solutions continues to demonstrate that they are a quality provider, holding the best rating of any home health agency west of Richmond, and placing in the top 100 in the USA. Generation Solutions is a “one stop shop”, the only full service agency in the area offering Personal Care, Home Health, and Home Medical Equipment all under one roof.

If you would like to learn more for yourself or a loved one, call 455-6500 to speak to a Geriatric Care Manager.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In the Studio at Victory FM 88.3

Tracey tells WRVL's listeners about Generation Community.

Spreading the word about Generation Community's resources

Sharing a laugh with our kind host, Gina Willis

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Enjoy Watching TV? Here's What You Need to Know

Technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds. And while most of us will agree that technology is our friend, we still don't want anything leaping or bounding on us unexpectedly. There are changes coming in the world of television that you need to know about. On February 19, 2009, the TV networks will all be switching their broadcasting signals from analog to digital. So what does this mean to you? It means that if you still get your TV reception via rabbit ears or a roof-based antenna, you will need to get a "digital converter antenna" that will pull in the digital signal to your television. However, your old TV will not be obsolete. There is no need to go buy one of the new "high definition" digital televisions (DTV) unless you want to. Again, your current TV set will still work with one of the converter antennas. Also, the digital antenna is going to be subsidized by the Federal government, so there is a good chance that they will be very low cost, if there is a cost at all.

The only word of warning here is that like all antennas, reception and quality will depend on your location. As for those of you who currently get your television by cable or a satellite and do not have a digital TV come 2009, you will need to contact your cable or satellite provider to ask if you will need a converter box for your TV. And lastly, while digital televisions are much more expensive than the televisions you may be used to, like all new technology their prices continue to drop significantly every few months.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008